Pas de bêtises! Mais non, ne t'inquiète pas. On te Promet d'être sages. Magali se détourne de son amie et se serre un peu plus fort contre Bernard. Hélène n'a plus qu'à s'en aller.
No nonsense! But no, don't worry. It promises you to be wise. Magali turns away from his girlfriend and is tightened a little harder against Bernard. Hélène has only to go away.
No nonsense! No, do not worry. One Promet you to be wise. Magali turns away from his girlfriend and tightens a little stronger against Bernard. Hélène only has to go.
don't be silly. - no, don't worry. we promise to be good. magali turns to his girlfriend and shake a little harder against bernard. * helena can only go up.